Friday, September 29, 2006

Celebrity gossip offerings this week

Ive got to a bunch to report on.

but have to comment on Screech EWWWW

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

and the winner is

Our youngest voter.... Benjamin Ulmer (age 9 mos) made the deciding vote

and he does sort of look like my dad

White House said to bar hurricane report

White House said to bar hurricane report
By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, AP Science Writer 30 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration has blocked release of a report that suggests global warming is contributing to the frequency and strength of hurricanes, the journal Nature reported Tuesday.

The possibility that warming conditions may cause storms to become stronger has generated debate among climate and weather experts, particularly in the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
In the new case, Nature said weather experts at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — part of the
Commerce Department in February set up a seven-member panel to prepare a consensus report on the views of agency scientists about global warming and hurricanes.
According to Nature, a draft of the statement said that warming may be having an effect.
In May, when the report was expected to be released, panel chair Ants Leetmaa received an e-mail from a Commerce official saying the report needed to be made less technical and was not to be released, Nature reported.
Leetmaa, head of NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in New Jersey, did not immediately respond to calls seeking comment.
NOAA spokesman Jordan St. John said he had no details of the report.
NOAA Administrator Conrad Lautenbacher is currently out of the country, but Nature quoted him as saying the report was merely an internal document and could not be released because the agency could not take an official position on the issue.
However, the journal said in its online report that the study was merely a discussion of the current state of hurricane science and did not contain any policy or position statements.
The report drew a prompt response from Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (news, bio, voting record), D-N.J., who charged that "the administration has effectively declared war on science and truth to advance its anti-environment agenda ... the Bush administration continues to censor scientists who have documented the current impacts of global warming."
A series of studies over the past year or so have shown an increase in the power of hurricanes in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, a strengthening that many storm experts say is tied to rising sea-surface temperatures.
Just two weeks ago, researchers said that most of the increase in ocean temperature that feeds more intense hurricanes is a result of human-induced global warming, a study one researcher said "closes the loop" between climate change and powerful storms like Katrina.
Not all agree, however, with opponents arguing that many other factors affect storms, which can increase and decrease in cycles.
The possibility of global warming affecting hurricanes is politically sensitive because the administration has resisted proposals to restrict release of gases that can cause warming conditions.
In February, a NASA political appointee who worked in the space agency's public relations department resigned after reportedly trying to restrict access to Jim Hansen, a NASA climate scientist who has been active in global warming research.
On the Net

Monday, September 25, 2006

9/24/06 Clinton interview on Fox Sunday

9/24/06 Clinton interview on Fox Sunday


Okay in my last post I included a link to an interview that appeared on fox yesterday where Bill Clinton gives Chris Wallace the verbal smack down that he has deserved for a long time. Clinton wiped th floor with that man. I personally watched it 13 times last night. It gave e such joy. In my opinion, this is what the Dems should be doing. they should be like Clinton, grow a backbone and stand up to these assholes.

Trust me the video was great. But for SOME REASON it has been pulled off of You Tube, the most popular video sharing site. Dont get me wrong, I understand that they own the material and have the right to pull it but whats funny is that it seems that they have pulled nothing else. For some reason, Fox News does not think that veiwers want to watch Bill Clinton verbally beat the poo poo out of some sniveling little toady posing as a half assed journalist on You Tube. I think its great fun and I want to watch it. It is still on google video. I am posting it to this site as well. Here is a copy of TRANSCRIPT of the interview as well. I suggest sending it to your friends or perhaps printing it out on nice paper and giving it away as presents.

I also suggest checkng out To hear about how Fox tried to spin it.

They need to go. WE all need to take a page from Clintons play book and not put up with their BS any longer.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Gotta love a man with Balls!!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

More Comments on Frog Vs Mouse

Of course the singing frog really stays with you. I keep thinking about it, trying to get something uplifting from it but I can't.I mean I guess we all have a singing frog inside of all of us that we feel the rest of the world cannot hear or appreciate,but then the poor guy gets sent to the psychopathic hospital, I mean what kind of a message is that? And his life is ruined.(And what is a psychopathic hospital anyway?

And that frog apparently lives forever, just waiting for the next person whose life he can ruin. Maybe if someone were to come along who appreciated the frog as a friend and companion and did not just think of dollar signs,that would be nice. But no one ever will, the cycle will keep going until the end of time, or the end of cornerstonesin building foundations.My vote remains with Tom and Jerry. Lighthearted cartoon fun that does not depress me....


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

As for your input

Singing Mouse and Singing Frog are now tied.

I need more input.

Comments so Far

"Uncle Pecos looks like your dad" (MCH)

"There is some sort of question here? It's Chuck Jones in the running!" (DVD)

First things FIrst

i have decided to take the 9/11 post down, not that it is offensive, but it is a little schmaltzy and it does not work well with the "Uncle Pecos" cartoon.

so an update....

First things first. I know we have had several violent days in Iraq, but I need to first focus on something thats more important to me right now. The massive amount of celebrity gossip It seems to be happening fast and furious. First things first, Isnt the whole thing with Anna Nicole Smith just tragic. I feel so sorry for her. I have to say that I feel the same way about Anna as I do about Britney Spears. They are both girls from the deepest part of the Trailor Park who made good. I mean you have to have respect for that. I guess Brit did reproduce again and lets hope Michael Hamiltons prediction is right and now that she has squeezed another child out, that perhaps she will leave her worthless piece of shit husband. Speaking of worthless piece of shit husbands, Whitney has finally got some sense into her, or perhaps the crack out of her, and is divorcing Bobby Brown. Alesha Martin, if you are reading this, we need to talk. I actually have a lot of opinions about Whitney that I have aired on this website. This is what I feel she should do, she should clean up her bathroom and get her life together and start singing those songs that are so adored by gay men in the midwest.

On a sadder note, much sadder. Ann Richards has died. I have to say that she really was one of my own personal heroes. She was awesome. She stood in front of me in lines at the movies one time. That is the closest that I ever came to her greatness. I wish now, that I had the cahunas to tell her how much she meant to me and how much I think she has meant to a lot of women.

In my own life, job is cool. There is more money.Charlie is way cute. Check out the phone photo blog. I am still thinking I need more theatre stuff in my life and I am thinking of trying out tennis.

Monday, September 11, 2006

I need your input....

Which one of these cartoons do you think is superior to the other?

email me and I'll publish your comments OR comment directly to the site...

This is a major family discussion