Monday, March 27, 2006


As for my place of former employment. People are beginning to call it the "Zinoplex" Which is absolutly awesome. This is what was said of it on Theaterboy blog.

Tickets to MISS JEAN BRODIE: $52
A cocktail at intermission: $9
Mandatory donation to the Zinoplex, for actors: $200
Having more employee turnover than the Iraqi Parliment: Priceless
Posted by: a former plexite Tuesday, 21 March 2006 at 10:16


Thursday, March 23, 2006


This is s story that makes you love San Francisco.



(sorry I had to do that)

Anyway, LOLO2 is out of commission. The hard Drive Died and she is being sent to the Apple people to be fixed. She wont be the same though. Everything is pretty much wiped off of her. It sort of sucks that. I was able to put most of the pics on the website. and my friend URGE has my I tunes. I am not sure if LoLo2 willl be fine or not. I did have insurance and thats good and the Apple people are mighty nice. I guess thats why one pays for an expensive computer. It is just sad. It had issues which started a few days ago when I was watching Bowling for Columbine, I hate blame Michael Moore for breaking my computer, cause he gets blamed for everything else. But It was his DVD that was playing.

I am pretty broken up about it. All of my work for the past 2 years is gone. I had some things saved but not nearly enough.

Ill have an improved LOLO2 or a LOLO3 at some point. But as for now. There may not be as many updates. But look for a couple of things, I am starting a guest blogger thing. My brother Ben will be talking about what life is like on the boarder towns of our country. Michael H will be discussing how much he hates Madonna, and for a gay dude this is serious business. If any of you want to write about somethin, let me know. Ill post it as long as its not child porn or promoting the republican agenda.

Monday, March 20, 2006


New photos of Benjamin Ulmer on Angry Noodle . Featuring one of me, while he is pooping on my stomach. Okay not that graphic, he is wearing a diaper.

Friday, March 17, 2006


Celebrate your Irish heritage!!!!
Think of all that the Irish have contributed to this country.
There is more to us than booze and leprechauns!!!!!!


The Favorite Columbia South Carolina Newspaper of my brother Ben is The Snitch. It’s a newspaper dedicated to crime and it features editorials written by real criminals that are in Jail. I understand its appeal, and in honor of that I will start a crime blotter here on Its Okay To Play as well.

I will start with the Crime that I saw this morning on my way to the BART. I was trying to get my late ass into work. There is this one block on my way to the BART, which makes, even me who has lived in some pretty scary neighborhoods, pretty nervous. I have this theory that there is a crack house or something on that block, cause there is large amount of people who congregate there who are clearly on something and have been for some time. But its only one block and it beats taking the bus and normally they don’t bother me. Also on the block I affectionately call the "cracked out central" Are a bunch of small business, which I am sure were there before the drugs. Places like little greasy spoons, small grocery stores that don lots of Fresh Fruit, 2 Hip Hop clothing stores, a dollar store, and a Butcher.

So getting back to my story, I am walking (briskly) down this block not making eye contact with the junkies as I am sure that they will make conversation with me and ask me for cash. All of a sudden, this Asian Guy comes out of the Butcher Shop and he is screaming. Apparently, someone had broken into the butcher, and get this, had stolen all the meat that was in the refrigerated display cases.

I am going to tell you something, this butcher is pretty big. I mean its not some tiny place. I looked inside the butcher and there are a lot of refrigerated display cases that were empty. That’s a lot of meat. This was a huge crime and I am sure this guy has lost a serious amount of money in inventory. I felt bad for him. I mean the way you feel bad for any urban small business that takes a hit like that.

When I got on my train, I began to think about the crime. Who the hell would steal a bunch of meat? I mean It's not like you can pawn it or get rid of it easily at all. I have lived in cities for over 10 years; I am aware that people boost a bunch of crap and then sell it on the street. On many occasions it’s for drugs but in some cases, this is how they make a living. But normally the stuff that is boosted is not as perishable as meat. On many occasions, I remember being in places like Bens Chili Bowl in DC (god I miss Bens) before that area was all gentrified, the way it is now, often I would often see dudes in there going from booth to booth trying to sell a bunch of Gap sweaters, that were clearly shoplifted. It is one of those things you see in a city. But what if instead of those Gap Sweaters, they were selling pork chops? I mean that would be pretty odd and honestly I would feel a bit nauseated as I am eating my chili dog and sharing my chili cheese fries with Michael Hamilton and drinking that oh so yummy and overly sweet grape Kool-Aid If someone were to come up to me with a handful of Raw Meat and tried to sell it to me. I mean it’s just not very sanitary.

Also what would possess you to buy meat that is not in a refrigerator? I mean I am by no means a freak about food like many people in this country, I don’t believe that everything needs to be refrigerated within an inch of its life to be edible. But honestly, meat does need to be refrigerated, or you at least need to see that it’s being kept on Ice as you are buying it. I honestly have had food poisoning from bad meat and I don’t wish to risk repeating it.

So imagine the perpetrators of this crime are in some dingy hotel room some where with piles of rotting meat on the floor. I am sure they are thinking that they have committed the heist of the century and once they get all this meat off of their hands, then they will be millionaires. It seems to be a bit misguided. I hope they at least had coolers when they stole it all, and its not sitting in some garbage bag somewhere.

Any way, I hope the owner has insurance, and I hope who ever did this realized how stupid it is to steal raw meat. Ill is keeping a vigilant eye out on the streets of the Mission for folks selling Raw Pork Chops real cheap.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Since I moved to the fair city of San Francisco. I have been so amused by this Little Man. When I first moved here I remember pouring over the theatre reviews, trying to decide what to see and since I did not know the "scene" I was dependent on "the little man" to tell me what was good. I would say to my self, "gosh, should I see the new Charles Mee show at Berkeley Rep?, Well "the little man" is standing on his chair and he looks ecstatic. It must be good.

You see in DC, we did not have any such thing, there were no pictures of Peter Marks or Lloyd Rose, jumping out of their seats in an ecstasy of applause at Shakespeare Theatre's latest offering and honestly, I have met both of them and neither one of them are as cute as "the little man"

"The Little Man" was my own private thing I called it, in my head. I was sure he had a name or something that I did not know about. I was not "in the know". So I called him "The Little Man" It seemed like a nice enough name and it described him. He was little and he was indeed a man.

"The Little Man" can tell you a lot about performance. If he is sitting there with no reaction. Then the play ain't that great. If he is asleep, then its a stinker (or perhaps, he has gone on vacation and my father has taken over reviewing theatre. My father once turned to me during the play we do not mention in our family, and complained "this play is so bad I cant even sleep through it" ) If he is clapping politely, then its good but its not earth shaking or anything. If he is jumping on his seat like Tom Cruise on crack and clapping wildly, then it is something that is not worth missing.

Recently, I got an email from an actor friend of mine who is pretty savvy about sending emails out every time he has a play or a movie out. The title of the email read"reviews are out! The little man ecstatic about Our lady of 121st street!". And it struck me, that little character, is just called "the little man". Its not Clarence or Bob or Topher, It is "The Little Man" I was right all the time, that was his name. I was so excited to learn this. Somehow, I felt like I was "in the know" all the time.

In general I think that The Chronicle is a pretty crappy news paper, especially in comparison to The Washington Post, which I have been reading for over a decade, But that little man is so darn cute, I know he could never steer me wrong.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


in order to acknowlege others presence on the blogosphere I am starting to reccomend other blogs that may be of interest to people who read this. Blogging the Dane is a blog of one of my fellow directors in the Directors Lab West. It is marking his progress. Its really for you theatre folk out there, who want a glimpse into someone elses process.


on the phone blog there are some pics of My new apartment. I am stayng there, more like camping out there, right now but will have bonifide furniture. Take a look. It is tiny.


Monday, March 13, 2006


Dad, Ben and Raven all met up in New Mexico.

you can take a look at pics of them here

and here

Its looks so beautiful and like it was so much fun.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Two Things

1. Which one of my friends put me on the Virgin e-news letter? This is not for the airline or for the record store, this is for Virgin like in what mary was when she concieved christ. Aparently i am now a member of the V-Team. They are actually going to have a Virgin Conference in NYC. Anyway I have my thoughts on who posed as me posing as a virgin and signed up for this newsletter and they better be careful. I'll "700 club" your ass. And let me tell you, Pat Robertson NEVER LEAVES YOU ALONE.

2. I am now beta testing a new camera-phone blog. At one point any of you freaks with a cameraphone will be able to post.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Happy International Women's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

For once dont treat us like crap.....

No seriously, it is the day to celebrate and highlights women's issues around the world. In honor of this how about signing this petition being circulated by Planned Parenthood.


There is a new link to the Photo Blog on that side bar over there. I have almost finished updating it. One of many ways, that I am trying to make your "Its Okay to Play" experience that much better.


The other day I was walking through an upscale department store in trendy Union Square, really I was there to use the facilities. They have nice bathrooms, especially in the women’s couture section. I know that sounds weird for some of you, but for us urbanites, who are for the most part pedestrians, knowing where the killer powder rooms are is essential to city living.

So I am cruising up to the fancy women’s section and I depart from my pee route shortly to look at those shoes that I can salivate about but can never afford. Among, the Chu's, and Manolos, I saw something that I never thought I would see again in my entire life. There they were, in the Marc Jacobs section, Jelly Shoes. Not only were they Jelly shoes, they were Jelly shoes that started at $100 a pop. I kid you not. I was freaked. I mean first, they are made of PVC, second THEY ARE JELLY SHOES. WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY BACK?

Every woman my age remembers when she got her first pair. I remember it very vividly. I really wanted a pair, I was like 13 and my parents would not buy them for me. I was so pissed. They said that they had no support and they were bad for my feet. I did not listen to any of that, all the girls had them, and I wanted them. They were so freaking cool. I finally conned my grandmother (Gaga) into buying them for me. She understood that fashion was important. I wore them a couple of times, and I noticed a few things, they would cut you, and your feet got sweatier and dirtier than with any other shoe. Also, god forbid if you had to walk a long time, they had no support. My pragmatic parents were right.

Apparently, a lot of pragmatic parents were right because, Jelly shoes were soon banned at my school. I mean it was a good thing, Columbia South Carolina is built on a swamp, and Heathwood Hall Episcopal School was literally on reclaimed swampland, it was hot and every time it rained there were puddles that resembled small lakes. Jelly shoes were stupid apparel to wear in such conditions. On top of which, several girls, had Jelly related injuries, which were usually bad falls or twisted or sprained ankles.

Thus Jellies died as a fashion in our world. I would still wear mine to the pool. But I soon acquired a new pair of Greek sandals; made of leather, that resembled, the ones that Madonna wore in the borderline video. They were really cool.

In general I am uneasy with all of this Early Eighties fashion coming back in style. I have to say that I hate it. There are certain looks that are in right now that literally make me wince. It’s complicated; I think it’s not just, that I don’t like the lines, or the material. It is defiantly more than that I think that it brings out the insecurity that I felt at that time.

When, I hit the time, that I cared about fashion (around thirteen), early eighties fashion was in full swing. I was in seventh grade; I had just started a new school. Heathwood was an exclusive private school; it was where most of Columbia's 'Old Money’ families sent their kids. My parents, who were middle class and both had to work, and sacrificed to send my brothers and I there. It was definitely a better education than I was getting at my old school, but there were some difficulties.

I was the new kid and I was by no means poor, but did not have the money that these other kids had. I was made fun of by the other thirteen-year-old girls because my clothes weren’t designer. It seems to trivial, when I think back, but at the time, I was devastated. I hated seventh grade. I mean it was a massive effort to get up every day and endure the hellishness of that year. Every day I would wake up and wonder what about me this gang of girls would make fun of that day. It was always about what ever I was wearing. But, it was really about, the fact that I was new, I was sort of different and they could jump on that. That’s what happens when you are that age. It was terrible.

I look back at that and I see that all of us, even the girls that made fun of me were all bundles of insecurity. My Parents would tell me that at the time. But somehow at the time that was sort of cold comfort.

At that time, clothes represented, this magic way of fitting in and thats what we all wanted. If you fit in, then you could get by without ridicule. Which is in essence what every seventh grader wants. If you were different, and you could not help your difference, then you were essentially screwed. As I look back at it as an adult, and as someone who has taught that age group, I know you do everything possible to fight that instinct in kids. The pressure to “fit in” is so much stronger than any of the other things in kids lives. There is so much more going on. For so many reasons, that time in a kids life is when, you are at risk of loosing them to "fitting in". You can loose them for several years if not for ever. Its scary. Asking kids to be different and proud of their difference is a asking them to something that is massively brave.

I survived seventh grade, with a few bruises, and soon learn to celebrate the way that I was different, and actually it was way cooler. I did not want to be like them.

At the end of that year, my grandmother actually bought me an ESPRIT outfit at Belk’s that out fit did save my life in some ways, or at least stopped the teasing. It was also about that time that I stopped caring as much what many of these girls were teasing me about as well. I was also no longer new, whatever difference I had seemed to not interest those girls any more. They went on to someone else.

So whenever I see this early eighties fashion, it sort of makes me nervous. I think I do have fashion PTSD. When I talk to my other girlfriends that are my age, they had similar experiences. They feel the same way. I had one girlfriend who told me that at that time in her life, she felt paralyzed when it came to the clothes, if she tried to dress in the fashions, she was terrified that she would have been made fun of, and if she didn’t she risked ridicule as well. How awful, its just clothes. Or whatever the thing is that you are risking ridicule about.

I think for women who grew up at the same time I did, we can’t commit to this eighties redux. I see so many girls prancing around the Mission in their legwarmers, and playing with their Rubik’s Cubes, who were not even "a dinner and a movie" when that when that stuff was popular. They can wear the clothes, and they can think they are all cute and retro. They can have that style. But for me and for many of the women in my generation, we will just wait this thing out.

Back to the Jelly Shoes, I am still appalled. I am pretty sure that any woman my age is not going to buy them, if its not for the memories of sweaty feet and painful cuts, or the fact that regardless of the designer label, you can go over to Chinatown and buy them for five bucks. It might be for the time that it represents. Perhaps those shoes are for those rich 13 year old girls of this generation, the ones like I went to school with, who are thrilled to buy them and experience, the sweat, cuts, dirty feet, and perhaps the twisted ankle for the very first time. If only to make “fitting in” a little bit easier.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Gens New Gadget

I have a Camera Phone now. I am figuring out how to post directly to the site. But here is a picture of Benjamin, the Highly Advanced Young Man this is from one of his very short naps. The phone camera part of the Blog shoud be up and running soon.


Monday, March 06, 2006


First. I would like say I really like that picture of oscar....


This is a new series I am going to start on my blog called States to Avoid... These are states that for one reason or another you should avoid like the plague. This means, dont set foot in them, dont talk to them, dont give them businees, if they come over askin for a cup of sugar DONT GIVE THEM SQUAT!!!!!!!

The first State we should Avoid at all costs is......

(opens envelope)

South Dakota

For their acknowlegement that women are indeed second class citizens and are not allowed to choose what to do with their own bodies. Even if they are raped or are victims of incests. I mean when is this shit gonna stop. How many people in SD actually get abortions any way, there is nobody there. I am sure those christians feel pretty fucking superior about the saving of the unborn while they have no problem with letting the born starve to death and grow up without a decent education.

(But use protection cause god forbid you get knocked up)


Sunday, March 05, 2006

THE OSCARS: My Thoughts

If I were a betting woman, I would be just as broke as I am right now when it comes to the Oscars. Actually I did not do too badly until the end of the evening. Here were my picks and who won.

Supporting Actor/ Actress
George Clooney and Rachel Weisz
I picked both/ they both won


I wanted Clooney to win because he is not only my secret Hollywood movie star boyfriend, (and lets face it if you are a woman, over thirty, you have a crush on Clooney, It is something that every woman gets, like a period, that is a sign that you have come to maturity) I wanted him to win because I thought his performance in Syriana was outstanding, I thought he was great, it was subtle, powerful, I thought it was a very real performance that was not showy at all, understated, but real. What I think good acting is all about. I really liked Syriana, there were flaws but in general, it was good. I also knew that he was up for three, he would probably get one, and since the competition was strong in the other categories, so I picked him to win this one. Plus he’s so cute in a tux.

Rachael Weisz

First I love her, saw her in Shape of Things in New York and she was then one of my favorite Actors out there. I also thought her performance in Constant Gardner was stellar. For me, there was no other choice. Also Constant Gardner, I think was my favorite movie this year. I am a longtime fan of le Carre, and the story was compelling and kept me on the edge of my seat. I thought she was beautiful, passionate, and powerful. She was great. She is also my ex-boyfriend, MichaelA's secret Hollywood girlfriend.

Best Suporting Actor/ Actress

Phillip Seymour Hoffman/ Reese Witherspoon

My Picks Phillip Seymour Hoffman/ Felicity Huffman

Actor: Phillip Seymour Hoffman

Honestly, why this man does not have five oscars is beyond me. Wasn't he great. I mean, his portrayal was not just an immitation of a man who is peculiar enough to be immitated, but something so much more layered and dense. The voice and the gestures were flawless, but what was really interesting, was that we forgot about that, and got to see this person who was broken from childhood, who is manipulative and coniving, yet sweet and vulnerable. It was so real. That’s why I wanted him, in many ways there was no performance in any category that even came close to what we saw in capote. On a purely technical standpoint his use of the presentational and representational and his complete presence, in each moment was astounding. I mean its one of those performances, like Brando's in On The Waterfront, that actors will actually study.


My pick

Felicity Huffman. Like Phillip Seymour Hoffman, I think this was an amazingly strong performance, not just because she was playing a transsexual. But because it was real, and funny, and sad, and the whole range of emotions that you are supposed to have when you watch someone who is at the top of their craft, perform. I think the limited release hurt this film as well as the subject matter, I am sure it is hard to sell.

Oscar Pick:

Reese Witherspoon. Don’t get me wrong, I thought she was great, she was the best thing in that movie and I think she is a great actress, and I am always pulling for the southern girls. I just thought Felicity Huffman performance was really special.


My pick Paul Haggis
Oscar Pick: Ang Lee

Paul Haggis:
I loved Crash, I thought it was inventive, in terms of the shooting style, had a strong, ensemble cast, all of whom were great. I thought it was well put together and creative and thought provoking and the only film this year that I did not think was too long.

Ang Lee
I like him, I really like him, and I just did not think he should have won for this movie. The Ice Storm, another subject all together, now that was brilliant. This was, too long, and honestly, I did not connect with it at all. I know that 50 million gay guys think I am wrong. But Brokeback just was not his best work. I thought it lacked some substance.

Original Screen Play

My Pick
CRASH. Although I really liked Squid and The Whale.

Great script. perfect. Powerful, great dialogue, Thought provoking.

Adapted Screenplay
My pick: Munich
Winner: Brokeback

Why I picked Munich. Cause, honestly, I am a huge Tony Kushner freak, Even though it needed to be cut, I thought the dialogue was great, It was thought provoking and it did keep the story moving. There were parts, like the scene with the explanation of Arabian Nights, that reminded me of Angels in America, which for me is the play,that made me want to do theatre. I thought Munich was 20 minutes too long, but not since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, have I thought that a Spielberg movie, was the perfect length, his movies are always 20 minutes too long. Honestly I liked this movie, I thought it was ballsy, and actually tried to give the audience an understanding of an issue that, honestly makes my head hurt on a daily basis.

Brokeback: Perhaps if I could figure out what the two main characters were mumbling about, I would have understood why the screenplay should have won.

Best Pick
My pick
Brokeback Mountain
Oscars Pick:

I actually agreed, that man/ woman Ann Coulter when she predicted that Brokeback would win, not because I thought it was the best, but because it had the powerful PR machine behind it. She said something about it being about gays and Hollywood. This is because she is an ignorant woman who suffers from Diarrhea of the mouth. (I am sorry, if her name is mentioned, I have to trash her) But I secretly think that she wanted it to win because she is a gay man (how else do you explain the adams apple). More on my theory on that later. I digress. It was good, and americans like vast expansive movies about the west with lots of hunting and fishing and men who mumble a lot and never reveal any type of emotion. This movie also had real Gay Sex in it. Don’t get me wrong, I would be Jake G's Gay lover at any point, I just didn’t think the movie was interesting, I thought it was too long, and honestly I did not care about the people in it. But I thought it would win cause what I like never wins.

Now, I loved this movie. I did not think it had a chance in hell of winning, but I was proven wrong. I thought it had a strong ensemble cast, some of the best direction this year, and a script that moved you a long. It was thought provoking, as someone who has lived in a city, on the other side of the country from LA, yet still has many similar issues when it comes to race, I was so stimulated by this film. I am glad it won.

And if you want to read further, here are all the geek awards, the ones only film geeks care about.

Ill lumped these cause these are film geek ones.

My pick CRASH

It was great. That’s all I have to say. I also was pulling for Syriana, since I met the editor at a party not long ago. But it wasn’t even up.

My pick: Brokeback
OSCAR: Memoirs of a Geisha

I never saw Geisha, I liked the book so much I actually don’t want to see the movie because, and I have this idea of it. So there are no comments. I did pick it for best costumes, which it won, cause of the kimonos and the geisha getup.
Sound editing and mixing: Oscar and Me agree that it was King Kong.
Costume: Geisha, we agreed on that one too.

Makeup: Lion Witch and Wardrobe, we agreed on that one too except I think that Mr. Tumbness was a little disturbing.

Art Direction: Geisha, cause of all those Kimonos

Doc Feature: March of the Penguins. Come one you guys know it was great, I know that all you guys were crying when that egg cracked. I know I was.

animated feature film: Wallace and Gromit, cause it’s the only one I saw this year.

I did not make any prediction on the shorts cause I did not see any of them.

I did pick Tsotsi for foreign film and it won, cause it’s the only one I saw.

I did pick “Hold Out Here for a Pimp” Cause I really liked Hustle and Flow and am actually pushing my dad to play it in his Southern Film Class he teaches every summer.

I picked Brokeback For Score. Cause, there was nothing else that really struck me.

And King Kong for any Special Effects Related Oscar.

That’s all.

Oh yeah I cannot end my oscar piece by saying that I think that Robert Altman has deserved to win the Oscar so many time over. Like perhaps for,I know this is geeky, NASHVILLE or MASH? I even thought he deserved it for his last film. Hes a Maverick and he thinks about film and acting is this completely unique way. I hope this means he's not about to die. That is the award they give you when you are about to kick it. Cause I really like him.


More Photos are posted on the photo Blog

I am now up to July of Last year or something.



For thoese who are interested, you can see me at the Directors LAb West 2005 on the website now!!!!

the link is

or I think you can click on the title of this post.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

That man continues to piss me off

Bush Sat like a Dumbass as people predicted. The Katrina Disaster. Its also all on tape and you can watch it. What a jerk. I do believe he did it on purpose.