Wednesday, September 13, 2006

First things FIrst

i have decided to take the 9/11 post down, not that it is offensive, but it is a little schmaltzy and it does not work well with the "Uncle Pecos" cartoon.

so an update....

First things first. I know we have had several violent days in Iraq, but I need to first focus on something thats more important to me right now. The massive amount of celebrity gossip It seems to be happening fast and furious. First things first, Isnt the whole thing with Anna Nicole Smith just tragic. I feel so sorry for her. I have to say that I feel the same way about Anna as I do about Britney Spears. They are both girls from the deepest part of the Trailor Park who made good. I mean you have to have respect for that. I guess Brit did reproduce again and lets hope Michael Hamiltons prediction is right and now that she has squeezed another child out, that perhaps she will leave her worthless piece of shit husband. Speaking of worthless piece of shit husbands, Whitney has finally got some sense into her, or perhaps the crack out of her, and is divorcing Bobby Brown. Alesha Martin, if you are reading this, we need to talk. I actually have a lot of opinions about Whitney that I have aired on this website. This is what I feel she should do, she should clean up her bathroom and get her life together and start singing those songs that are so adored by gay men in the midwest.

On a sadder note, much sadder. Ann Richards has died. I have to say that she really was one of my own personal heroes. She was awesome. She stood in front of me in lines at the movies one time. That is the closest that I ever came to her greatness. I wish now, that I had the cahunas to tell her how much she meant to me and how much I think she has meant to a lot of women.

In my own life, job is cool. There is more money.Charlie is way cute. Check out the phone photo blog. I am still thinking I need more theatre stuff in my life and I am thinking of trying out tennis.


At 2:57 PM, Blogger lesha said...


Not only should she clean up her bathroom she should also have a cheeseburger AND some fries! I personally don't think she can sing anymore from all the damage the crackpipe, weed, and cigs have done. I saw an article in the Enquirer (Not that I read the Enquirer) talking about all the self love she has been giving herself while smoking crack or waiting to get more crack and I do believe she is DONE. Okay so maybe I do read the Enquirer in line at the grocery store but who doesn't?


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