Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I must weigh in on the Lieberman issue!

Here are my thoughts.
1. The dude is a fucking republican, the dems are better to be rid of him frankly
2. I have not trusted him, since his behavior during the Clinton Impeachment Hearings. I mean you are a member of the political party, you dont turn on your leader like that. But that was almost 10 years ago if you can believe that.
3. Supporting this war, especially when your constituants are against it is retarded. That is why his constituants voted him out.
4. For once, I totally agree with what Michael Moore said on his blog.(Okay I have agreed with him before), It is a about who you sleep with. George Bush is fucking evil and Democrats should be fighting that evil, not felating it.
5. And to you Joe, I have this to say. You are not making any friends by leaving a party and running as an independant. All you are doing is dividing the electorate and handing the republicans Connecticut on a silver platter. Don't you remember that that was one of the reasons why you did not become VP? Perhaps that is what you had in mind all along. Sorry Joe, there is no pitty for you here.


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