Thursday, July 20, 2006

Good Touch or Bad Touch?

If you weren’t freaked out enough by these presidents’ policies, perhaps this video will do it for you.

I would like to say that the man who is trying to give the” casual backrub" to a foreign leader is indeed our president. Since when did bad frat boy moves make it into mapping out foreign relations.

oohhh it gives me the willies but I can't stop watching it.

I am sure the dialog went something like this

Bush: Hey baby, you look all stressed out.

Merkel: Well, Mr. President It is stressful. Lebanon is in flames, your country has decimated two other Middle Eastern countries. The entire area is a time bomb. We are talking World War III here.

Bush: Baby, It ain't so bad, you got to relax.

Merkel:With all due respect Mr. President we are at the G8 this is not time to relax. The world is in crisis. We have serious work to do.

Bush:Thats the problem with you german people, you are so stiff. You know what you need you need to chill out. Let ole georges hands do the walkin, know what I mean baby?

(Bush begins to masaage Merkels, neck)


(*If any of you did not know this about me, I love the term Masher)


At 8:27 AM, Blogger lesha said...

I cannot stop laughing! I am going to send this to all of my friends. I forgot how funny you are with even trying.


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