Sunday, July 23, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

In the midst of this heat wave, I decided to finally go and see An Inconvenient Truth. It was not for any reason, except for the fact that for some reason, I did not want to watch a PowerPoint presentation. But it wasn’t a PowerPoint presentation. Gore, cause he is cool like that is a Mac user, so it was a Keynote presentation and it was wrong. It was actually pretty interesting. On an unseasonably hot day for San Francisco, I learned a lot about global warming. I strongly recommend seeing it. It was sort of shocking to learn that if the polar ice caps were to melt, then my apartment would be on the San Francisco Bay.

Besides the obvious "killing of the earth" depression that I felt from the movie; I have to say that the movie left me with a profound sense of sadness for other reasons. After watching that movie, I really believe that Gore, is one of those people that entered and remained in politics for all the right reasons. It is not to say that disasters like 9/11 and Katrina, would not have been a reality if he were president or that he could have solved the problem of Global Warming in 8 years. I do believe that we as a country would be on a better track. Oh well, I guess we have to go from where we are right now and after seeing that movie, I am more determined than ever to get these retards out of office.


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