Tuesday, January 31, 2006


South Carolina's Own "Worst Governor", Mark Sanford shares his views on science. He will soon be endorsing emaculate conceptions for everyone.....
Newswatch - WIS - TV - January 29, 2006
Host: David Stanton
Guest: Gov. Mark Sanford
DS: What do you think about the idea of teaching alternatives to Darwin's Theory of Evolution in public schools... for instance IntelligentDesign?
Gov. Sanford: I have no problem with it.
DS: Do you think it should be done that way? Rather than just teaching Evolution?
Gov. Sanford: Well I think that it's just, and science is more and more documenting this, is that there are real "chinks" in the armor of evolution being the only way we came about. The idea of there being a, you know, alittle mud hole and two mosquitoes get together and the next thing you know you have a human being... is completely at odds with, you know, one ofthe laws of thermodynamics which is the law of, of ... in essence,destruction.Whether you think about your bedroom and how messy it gets over time oryou think about the decay in the building itself over time. Things don't naturally order themselves towards progression.... Uuummm.. in the natural order of things. So, it's in fact, it's against fairly basic laws of physics... and so I would not have a problem in teaching both ... Uh,you saying this is one theory and this is another theory.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Letters to the Editor

This is from the Livermore Independant

One Chicken
George Burdell

I am shocked and outraged at the "Half Dozen Hens Are OK" editorial printed in the January 12 edition of The Independent. While it comes as no surprise that the liberals in Pleasanton would push such an anti-family values agenda, I am disappointed that the Independent would support it. I for one am thankful to live in God-fearing Livermore, where such views of livestock are an abomination. Here, we promote monogamous relationships that are morally sound, and live by the simple rule: One man-one-chicken.

(I dont know who this genius is but he should be president and not just of the United States, mind you, he should be president of the world. Mr. Burdell's sound moral compass is what we should be following in these troubled times.)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Brownie seen here doing a"heck of a job"


Michael Brown admits that perhaps he might have done a crappy job, but he is still a fashion god.


Today we search the internet for a new scandal in American History, Today its the Whiskey Ring scandal, during the Grant Administration. As we can see, even back during the reconstruction, Republicans loved their money.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I think its time for us to review the scandals in our history. Today, we will examine the Teapot Dome scandal. Perhaps we can learn something.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Interesting NYT piece on working actors, It really can be said about all parts of the theatre. Boy ain't it depressing?


Even Texans dont like him. What is "The Hammer" going to do?


May/ December Relationships:

For some reason, right now San Francisco is crawling with them. I don’t know if there is a convention, or what but it’s strange. I saw like five couples today. I have to say that when I see an older man, who might be my father’s age and a younger woman who might be my age. It sort of creeps me out. But when I see a couple like Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, I am like Right ON!!!

I realize that this is a major inconsistency. Perhaps, its all of those years of feminist theory, I read in college where we tirelessly examined gender, age and race inequality. I mean if a younger woman dates an older man, its like a double whammy, she is twice as oppressed as a regular woman. I guess my gut reaction and prejudice is that women who seek the company of much older men have Daddy issues that they are working through, and Men seeking a younger woman, much younger I save my harshest judgment for. I mean they can deal with someone who is their equal so they find someone to worship them. But honestly, I don’t know how much of my hollow judgment with out any real facts is actually true.

SO I DECIDED TO TAKE MY QUESTION TO THE INTERNET (After all it never steers me in the wrong direction) did you know that there are a ton of websites for people who are looking to get into May/December Relationships? I mean like millions it’s a big thing. I decided to read the profiles of the ladies and men who seek these relationships. What they are looking for is the same as what I am looking for. Someone to be his or her friend and lover, someone to be romantic with, you knows walk down the beach hand and hand, swim with the manatees, take long candle lit baths that kind of romance. The only difference is that they are just into Older/ younger Men/ Women.

I started thinking about my dating practices. Who do I like, what do I gravitate towards. Am I one of those people who niche dates? I like to think that I don’t, I like to think that I don’t discriminate, that I date all kinds, that I am a rainbow coalition of dating. But when I honestly looked at whom I dated and what were those similarities, I was sorely mistaken. I started by writing down every one I had actually dated. This did not include hook-ups) or folks that I have been out with once or twice and it had to be post college. When I was choosing my life and free to date whom I choose.

I thought about each one of them, I listed their cultural and educational background, their personality types, what they did for a living. What I found out about my self was interesting. Most of the men that I have dated are more similar than I thought. I definitely had a thing for Jewish Guys; I also had a thing for high maintenance men. 60% of the men that I have dated were younger than me. 100% of the men that I seriously dated were really creative and really smart (It hasn't always been intellectually smart, it may be art or music smart i.e. top five movies). In general, I am into Nerds.

So what is the difference between me and some geezer who only dates younger women? Should I be searching on J-Date to find a husband, since I clearly have a thing for Jewish guys? I don’t know. Perhaps. Should I stop judging, old men looking for young ladies, when I my self have such a clear thing for nerdy boys, mostly of the jewish persuasion? Perhaps they pass judgement on me Perhaps they say "why does she date all those geeks?". Perhaps they think there is something flawed about me.

The truth is that I like my nerdy guys and I am a pretty sure that not going to change.

I am sure they aren’t either, so I should shut up about it.

R.I.P Shelley Winters

You were an amazing actress and one of the last great old dames of hollywood. You will be missed!!!!

Multicultural Reading Material

Japanese men and their mean wives, Who knew they were so hip?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Shit Stories

If you have nothing better to do at work or where ever you are check out Margaret Chos Shit Story on her blog. She really lets you examine shit in a completly different way. I am better for reading it.

poo poo girl

Celeb News

For those of you who might just be a litttle sick of the Alito Confirmation and are pissed that the Dems arnt spending their political capital. Here is some escapism.

Lindsay is one of my favs....Such Class.
From Defamer

Lindsay Lohan Finally Winds Up On The Pole

READ MORE: Publicists, kate moss, lindsay lohan

Lindsay Lohan is a true master of her craft. A lesser attention whore tabloid victim would’ve called it a night after showing up at a bar with last year’s most celebrated cokehead, Kate Moss, and scrawling a nasty message equating rival Scarlett Johansson with a part of the female anatomy (or, in perhaps a worse sin, pandering to Brit BFF Moss by appropriating some slang). But not our Lindsay, who made her Sharpie wall-poetry merely the first act of her evening. Says Page Six:

Lohan, Moss and a couple of female friends swanned into the Upper East Side mammary mecca at about 2:45 a.m. and headed straight for the legendary Champagne Room, where the giggly group ordered round after round of vodka shots, raspberry Kamikazes and beer.

Their table was immediately swarmed by strippers and Lohan and Moss enjoyed numerous lap dances. But the fun really started when Moss jumped on the stage nearest the main bar and began grinding against a pole, much to the delight of hundreds of red-blooded banker types.

“Kate was going wild,” a witness told us. “After a few songs, Lindsay jumped on stage with her. They were swinging on the pole with their arms around each other’s waists, kissing each other, caressing each other, just acting like strippers. The crowd was cheering them on the whole time. They didn’t take off any clothes, but it was very hot.” […]

“They were both running in and out of the ladies’ room a lot,” [paparazzo] Edstrom recalled. “I saw when it was just Lindsay dancing solo and Kate was yelling, ‘You’re a pro, Lindsay! You should do this for a living!’

Credit Moss with being a great friend; it’s not easy to sound sweetly positive about the seemingly inevitable downward trajectory of your starlet pal’s career. But this news does seem to present another opportunity for Lohan’s brilliant publicist, Leslie Sloane Zelnick, to shine. We expect her to dismiss out of hand the easy, hacky “no comment” or outright denial options, and instead weave a fantastic tale about how during Lohan’s troublingly recent hospital stay in Miami, she received a massive, mistaken transfusion of stripper blood, and clearly can’t be held accountable for her actions while her body adjusts.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

of interestfor those who think Bush should be Impeached

Check out this MSNBC Internet poll.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Another pointless letter to the Editor from "The State"

I found this one today in the paper

State should outlaw individual fireworks
I notice that another fire in Columbia over New Year’s was caused by individuals using fireworks.
I was born and raised in Indiana, where fireworks were outlawed in the ’40s.
When is this state going to make it illegal for individuals to shoot off fireworks?
Does anyone in the State House have guts enough to even propose a bill outlawing fireworks by individuals? I doubt it.

Okay, I have a response.

Dear J H Green,

Perhaps you should go back to Indiana. Because Blowin up shit, especially after a few beers is pretty awesome and there aint nothin you can say to change my mind. Some of my happiest memories of my childhood, were of watchin my daddy and my uncle Richard practically blow them selves up to celebrate the 4th of July and New Years. Its an American tradition and in South Carolina where they are cheaper than dirt, Its part of our cultural heritage.

So suck it up or go back to Yankee Land.

What I learned from Craigs List Today

here is the post I found today. Listen up Ladies....This man has something to say

Reply to:
pers-124214794@craigslist.orgDate: 2006-01-10, 12:22PM PSTLadies, There are things you should know about men that would help everyone in finding a mate. Evolutionary psychology (Darwin-stuff) recognizes that our species is about 6 million years old. For the longest period in the history of our species, men who chose to forego a single, female mate had more copies of their genes placed into the population. After all, if he stuck with one mate, there could only be one copy of his genes made every 9 months, while a polysexual man could place an unlimited number of copies of his genes into the population in a limited period of time. The opposite tended to be true with women. They would try to retain a mate to provide food and protection for them and their children. Those women who failed to do this tended to have their gene pool obliterated from the planet. I am not making this stuff up. It is simple natural selection. This is why men, as we know them today, tend to be more sex-driven than women. It is the product of millions of years of evolution and cannot be overcome by a relatively limited period of enlightened socialization and women's liberation. Here is the rub.....If you rely too much on men coming to you instead of meeting them half way, you will tend to encounter the polysexual men, since there are lots of their genes in the general population. If you only date them, you will find that they tend to "hit and run," as that is the nature of their genetic programming. You can try to fight it, but it is their nature. You will conclude, "all men are pigs," when, in fact, *you* are self-selecting the pigs by not being more active in pursuing less aggressive men. The good news is that there are still plenty of the other guys around. But, they are NOT the ones that will pursue you through hoops of fire. They will simply give up, as they are not driven in the same way as the polysexuals. Yet, they are the ones more likely to "stick around" when they find a nice woman. Consider this when you meet men or post on CL. There are women who post on CL saying almost nothing about themselves other than the obligatory, "I am attractive," but with a wish list for what they want in a man. This will attract the responses of the polysexual conquistadors, leaving the "nice guys" out of the loop.
this is in or around Cyberspace
no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Friday, January 06, 2006

Republican Cannibalism 2006

In South Carolinas' State Newspaper. Gay and Woman hater, Senator Jim DeMint participates in the ancient Republican ritual of eating their own.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

my thoughts today

Is Pat Robertson at all afraid of being struck Lightning?

Also if you are interested, I suggest looking up angry noodle. There are new pictures of Benjamin on it. That is Amy and Craigs new bambino. I have been assured that there are no breastfeeding pics or Birth Photos.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My Winter Vacation Part IV: New Years Weekend

I would first like to say that I hate New Years Eve. It's a sucky holiday if you ask me. First, once you are an adult, yuou have all of these expectations that cannot be met. Then the evening ends up sucking. When I lived in DC, It was always the coldest night of the year, and there we were "in barely nothing on" formalwear and high heel shoes, slipping and sliding on the ice. It was always a joke with my friends, who would ruin New Years that year; would it be the friend who tripped on acid at some strangers party and end up puking on the hosts' expensive down comforter, or would it be that friend, who after too much to drink would lock himself in the bathroom and cry over a failed relationship, or would it be you or some one else, quietly vomiting in a taxi cab, into a pricey purse, that was bought especially for the occasion. Needless to say, I hate New Years. This year, I was just not going to celebrate it. That was before Meg invited me along to Yosemite to celebrate with her family.

Meg, Charlie and I set off fo Yosemite on Friday. I worked for half the day and then met Meg around 1:00 or so to get on the road. Meg had done her best to make Charlie as tired as possible so he would sleep in the car. You see Charlie has just learned how to walk and he loves it so much he gets really irritated if he is confined for too long. You have to understand something about when Me, Charlie and Meg Travel. There are lots of stops. LOTS of stops. Our first stop was in Livermore for In -n- out Burger and a brief but ill fated Wal-mart run (I hate Wal-Mart even more now) , Then there was the Truck Stop in the middle of nowhere, where we were for a hour or so so Charlie could walk around, Then there was the stop at this hotel to make sure we were not lost. The other thing about the three of us when we travel is that we tend to get lost. This is due to the fact that we don't always pay attention. Any way, I think it took us 8 or 9 hours to make the 4 ½ our journey to the Yosemite Lodge.

The lodge itself was very nice, but the first thing they do when you check in is make you terrified that your car will be attacked by bears. I thought that bears hibernate in the winter. Clearly, all those Yogi Bear Cartoons were wrong. They told us that if didn't get every single crumb of food out of the car then the bears would attack it and rip up the seats and pee on them. It was pouring down rain and we both decided that we would risk it by not picking up every crumb of food that was in that car. I was pretty sure that like us, the bears had no intention in going out in the sheets of water that were falling from the sky at that point.

The next day, despite the driving rain we decided to walk up to the falls on this trail that we walked until the trail flooded out. I was pretty impressed, I was with Megs family and this was totally something that my family would have done, hiking in a rain storm with a toddler. The falls were beautiful. Very wild with the rain pouring down, but very beautiful. The trip it self was reminiscent of hikes that our family would take, which would be risky to say the least, but we did them anyway. Like the time where my mom broke her leg on the side of a Mountian at Table Rock, It was definatly one of those great moments in a Family history, where they will always look back on. I was glad to share that with the Rossers.
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Awahanee Hotel. It was very posh and had wine. I read some story in Vanity Fair about how Judith Miller is a mouthpiece for the Bush Administration and took care of Charlie, while the Rossers played Bridge.

At the lodge they supplied a dinner and dancing for New Years. Meg , Charlie and I did the dinner, the dancing we decided to go back to the hotel, but rang in the new year under the most beautiful sky I have ever seen. I saw so many constellations. It was beautiful.

The next day we had brunch. Then went on a short walk, and then embarked on an 8hr trip home (with stops and getting lost included.)

I had a good time

It exhausting and fun and much better than: watching some one puke on a down comforter.

Charlie learned 2 words

"Girl" and "Poo Poo"

More Yosemite

Charlie at Yosemite

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Stinky Republican Deals

Abramoff expected to plead guilty. AWESOME!!!!