For some reason, right now San Francisco is crawling with them. I don’t know if there is a convention, or what but it’s strange. I saw like five couples today. I have to say that when I see an older man, who might be my father’s age and a younger woman who might be my age. It sort of creeps me out. But when I see a couple like Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, I am like Right ON!!!
I realize that this is a major inconsistency. Perhaps, its all of those years of feminist theory, I read in college where we tirelessly examined gender, age and race inequality. I mean if a younger woman dates an older man, its like a double whammy, she is twice as oppressed as a regular woman. I guess my gut reaction and prejudice is that women who seek the company of much older men have Daddy issues that they are working through, and Men seeking a younger woman, much younger I save my harshest judgment for. I mean they can deal with someone who is their equal so they find someone to worship them. But honestly, I don’t know how much of my hollow judgment with out any real facts is actually true.
SO I DECIDED TO TAKE MY QUESTION TO THE INTERNET (After all it never steers me in the wrong direction) did you know that there are a ton of websites for people who are looking to get into May/December Relationships? I mean like millions it’s a big thing. I decided to read the profiles of the ladies and men who seek these relationships. What they are looking for is the same as what I am looking for. Someone to be his or her friend and lover, someone to be romantic with, you knows walk down the beach hand and hand, swim with the manatees, take long candle lit baths that kind of romance. The only difference is that they are just into Older/ younger Men/ Women.
I started thinking about my dating practices. Who do I like, what do I gravitate towards. Am I one of those people who niche dates? I like to think that I don’t, I like to think that I don’t discriminate, that I date all kinds, that I am a rainbow coalition of dating. But when I honestly looked at whom I dated and what were those similarities, I was sorely mistaken. I started by writing down every one I had actually dated. This did not include hook-ups) or folks that I have been out with once or twice and it had to be post college. When I was choosing my life and free to date whom I choose.
I thought about each one of them, I listed their cultural and educational background, their personality types, what they did for a living. What I found out about my self was interesting. Most of the men that I have dated are more similar than I thought. I definitely had a thing for Jewish Guys; I also had a thing for high maintenance men. 60% of the men that I have dated were younger than me. 100% of the men that I seriously dated were really creative and really smart (It hasn't always been intellectually smart, it may be art or music smart i.e. top five movies). In general, I am into Nerds.
So what is the difference between me and some geezer who only dates younger women? Should I be searching on J-Date to find a husband, since I clearly have a thing for Jewish guys? I don’t know. Perhaps. Should I stop judging, old men looking for young ladies, when I my self have such a clear thing for nerdy boys, mostly of the jewish persuasion? Perhaps they pass judgement on me Perhaps they say "why does she date all those geeks?". Perhaps they think there is something flawed about me.
The truth is that I like my nerdy guys and I am a pretty sure that not going to change.
I am sure they aren’t either, so I should shut up about it.
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