Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Crook List

Wonkette has compiled a list of crooks from the current leadership. Just to keep you up tp date. It gets all confusing.

THE CROOK LISTby Wonkette, 7th grade
(Surely we missed a few dozen. We’ll update this wretched thing as necessary.)
Thomas Noe — Coingate/Bush Pioneer indicted, convicted, imprisoned
David H. Safavian — Bush aide/Abramoff agent indicted, resigned, convicted, imprisoned
Michael Brown — resigns as FEMA boss after Katrina disaster
Scooter Libby — indicted, resigned
Jack Abramoff — indicted, convicted, imprisoned, still bringing people down
Lil’ Jacks — Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist, Michael Scanlon, Conrad Burns, John Doolittle, James Dobson, various other crooks
Duke Cunningham — indicted, resigned, convicted, imprisoned
Kyle “Dusty” Foggo — resigns No. 3 CIA post, investigated by CIA Inspector General over Hookergate
Porter Goss — resigns CIA chief job along with Foggo
Andrew Card — Resigns as CoS to “spend more time with family”
Scott McClellan — Resigns as WH spokesman to spend more time with Andrew Card’s family
Tom DeLay — resigns as Speaker and then as congressman for being a crook & all-around asshole
Phillip MerrillExIm Bank boss, undersecretary of defense & NATO ambassador, assassinated
William H. Lash — assistant secretary of commerce, “shoots self”
Bob Ney — indicted, convicted, resigns, rehab, prison
Ted Stevens — Feds raid family offices and homes in Alaska
Mark Foley — resigned, rehab, FBI investigating
Susan Ralston — resigned as Karl Rove’s special aide after Abramoff bribes revealed
Curt Weldon — FBI raids homes and offices of family and business associates; grand jury about to indict
Lester Crawford — resigns FDA, indicted by DoJ, pleads guilty

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

G.O.P Death Watch...Hastert

Denny has captive audience as he delivers one more Defense of his party at the local grave yard .

Monday, October 09, 2006

From the Pumpkin Patch

Charlie and Benjamin (As well as Amy, Meg and I) went to this Pumpkin Patch in Livermore. Fun was had by all. Charlie had lots of fun moving pumpkins from one place to another and Benjamin had a great time pulling him self up on different pumpkins. Benjamin had so much fun that he had to kick back with a cold one after we got back. ( Not really, the beer isnt really his and for the freaks out there he did not drink any of it he is teething)

More Photos from the Pumpkin Patch

More Photos from the pumpkin patch
As we can see, Charlie also acted out a scene from "The Miracle Worker", while Benjamin kept a look out for "The Great Pumpkin"

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


"The Blame Game" Begins.

ABC News accidently puts the name of the accuser on line. Drudge As usual finds a way make republicans look better by shifting blame to victims

Republican leadership, link Homosexuality and Kid Touching. Nice boys, this WILL come back to haunt you ( we all know there are a few other "confirmed bachelors" in your leadership)

Foley Blames his behavior on his homosexuality, being touched in places that made him feel icky as a child and booze.

Page said he told people in 2004 (an election year)

Republicans Blame Democrats, Victims, and anybody within a 20 mile radius for Foleys dirty IM's

( we do learn the disturbing fact that Rush owns a Mac)

Republican Death Watch: Denny Hastert , Condi Rice and Donald Rumsfeld

Dems Stand by and watch as GOP eat their own

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Day 2 of Republicans Crappy Week

This would be Tuesday....

Republicans smell the possible stench of defeat in November.

GOP has known for some time about it's kid touching congressman.

Political Deathwatch: Washington Times calls for Hastert to resign.

Rice caught once again in another lie. Condie, what is it about that man that you need to protect him so?

and finally...

Anna Nicole achieves success in making her life exactally like a Jerry Springer Episode

Monday, October 02, 2006

Meet Kevin Douglas

Kevin-Douglas and I met while we were freshman in college at Guilco. During those 4 years we were friends, allies, fellow student government geeks, Gay Rights Activists and Major Partiers. Kevin Douglas and I got back in touch at a pretty dark time in both of our lives after the death of my mother and the death of his partner, Russell.

Kevin-Douglas has had a difficult time since Russell's passing partiallly because it is remarkably painful to lose someone you love and partially because he has spent the past two years fighting to honor his partners dying wishes. This is the reason dear readers that Gay Marriages need to be recognized an equal footing with Straight Marriages. Its ridiculous that they are not. It is just horrible that our society puts people through this.

Here are two articles about the situation. If you know KD give him a call or drop him an email. Voice your support in this difficult time. Also see what you can do to help this not happen to any body else.

Take a look at this and this

Not a good week for republicans

and its only monday....

I am at work so I am just going to give you the links. Will comment later

Mark Foley aparently is lookin for love in all the wrong places. (For detailed Conversation go to abcnews.com)

Condi Rice stands by her man.... and lies again about 9/11

Bob Woodward stops kissing White House Ass and tells it like it is.

More Lies, Lies, Lies

George Allen still a racist after all these years....