Monday, January 29, 2007

More Guilford Articles

For those of you who are interested or mildly obsessed. I am not putting them all on here but I am trying to have a good selection on here, with no repeats, and with ones that sort of trash Guilco a little. Not that I agree, but to be balanced.... I know that it is my way of processing this horrible event. I have to say that I have continued to be impressed with the response and what the articles have said about Guilford in general. For those of you who care, the big news is that one more kid was arrested today.

I have say that I feel this trememdous sadness about the whole thing. At 36, all I can think about is how young these kids are, and how crappy it is to have something like this happen in their world, and if they are involved, how crappy it is to having it play out on a National Arena. I am also disturbed by it, because it is happening at all. That that language would be used at all. That even in the reporting, the subtle racism against people who are from the Middle East is so clear.

its messed up YO!

Here are the articles.

Yes Weekly (Greensboros Weekly)

Winston - Salem Journal

More News and Record

The Guardian

Charlotte Observer

NBC Sports

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Its been a while and the Guilford Incident

I first want to apologize for not posting recently. Between a social life and new job and school, I have been busy.

I do feel that I need to talk about something that has been weighing on my mind lately.

I am sure some of you have heard about the alleged racial incident that happened on the campus of my alma mater, Guilford College. You can read about it here. If you have not heard about it.

I have many thoughts about this.

First, I am so disturbed that this would happen at all, let alone at Guilford (which is a place where the values of equality, tolerance, and nonviolence are essential to the community) . It is a place that I hold in very high esteem, I know that many other alums feel the same way. I think for many of us, Guilford goes beyond a place where we parked our butts, smoked pot, drank beer for four years. It is a place that challenges people to live up to the values of which the school was founded. The word community is not a buzzword there, it is something that students, teachers, staff, and administrators struggle to achieve. Knowing this, I do think that the incident takes on a different magnitude for those of us who have experienced this world.

I feel for all involved. In this situation. I was a student with high ideals at one point, I can imagine that this is a trying time. I am holding all of them in the light.

I do also know that some of the tensions that have been mentioned in news between althletes and the rest of campus, were issues when I was there as well. I also know, that Bryan quad, where the incident took place, has always been a heavy party area, and midnight on a saturday night is often pretty nuts. But despite these factors, the alleged language and behavior is unaccptable for any reason.

This incident along with others, makes me wonder if this is indicative of trends that are happening in our society. Trends that I find really disturbing. I know that the guilford community will take this as a learning opportunity and will grow stronger because of it. I only hope that the world out side of Guilford can learn to reject this kind of behavior and embrace tolerance.

I have to say this, I do feel that the Guilford Administration, has been very open and fair in its approach this terrible situation. I do trust that they will treat all parties with respect, and that the Judicial Board will give a fair hearing to all of those involved in the situation. I only hope that FBI and Greensboro Police, will conduct an investigation that will be just.

Here are several articles on this incident, if you are interested.

Guilfordian (Student Newspaper)



Greensboro News and Record:

Chabotar’s Remarks at the Jan. 24 Open Forum

College Response of Jan. 23


Christian Science Monitor

I am hoping, or attempting,to update the articles, since I am following this.


Thursday, January 04, 2007


New Charlie Pics

Wednesday, January 03, 2007



This is my family. We look like we sing christmas carols by the fire dont we. Well we do in our snarky little way. I am the tired as all poop looking one cause in this photo I have not slept in 24 hours and that is because I have not. I had a hellish trip there and back. But I had a great time it was lots of fun. our cousin susan was there. It was cool. Don't my brothers look so gay?