Tuesday, November 21, 2006

RIP Robert Altman

a light has gone out...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Another one bites the Dust!!!!!!!

For some reason that Queen song has been in my head.

The GOP's newest casualty is

envelope please...

KEN MEHLMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What would we do without You Tube

One more thing to be thankful for

Britney Spears dumped K-FED. You go Britney. Ben told me that she dumped him via text message. Nice to know she ended it with as much class as it needed.

let us not forget

all the republicans who are loosing their leadership roles.

I am looking youe way Denny Hastert.

RIP Republican Majority

The following people have dearly departed careers this morning and our country is a better place for it.

John Hayworth
Don Sherwood
Richard Pombo
Nancy Johnson
Mark Foley
Clay Shaw
Chris Cocola
Michael Fitzpatrick
John Hostettler
Mike Sodrel
Anne Northup
Gil Gutknecht
Curt Weldon
Charles Taylor
Thomas Kean Jr
Michael Steele
Mike DeWine
Rick Santorum
Lincoln Chafee
Jim Talent
George Allen
Conrad Burns
Katherine Harris
and last but not least:

Donald Rumsfel

Monday, November 06, 2006

a Pre Election Day Note!!!

I have not been posting lately because A. I have not had a lot of free time. What with an active social life, new job and classes, it has been difficult. B. I am scared to post. I dont want to Jinx what is happening here. If you havent guessed, the Dems may take the House and perhaps the Senate. Which would mean that president bush would get his ass kicked. I try not to get my hopes up and to get too excited about it after all I am a Democrat who was brought up in South Carolina in the 70s and 80s. I have had my share of heartbreaking Election nights.

But I am indeed excited about the thought that we can take back our government from the crooks that have been running it.

So I am asking one thing