For those of you who read this blog and have not heard. It has not been a good week. I have been having issues with my now ex roommate. I am not going to go into details as it is exhausting and now it has become a legal issue. The whole thing was a painful experience. Needless to say, its bad and it resulted in me defiantly not feeling safe----Nuff Said. Things are looking up and I am sure Ill be back in the groove again at one point. I am hoping things are close to resolution. At this point I am fine and doing the couch surfing thing while I figure out my next move.
It has its upside, I get to get up early sometimes with Charlie and Play.
You guys all know I love my Charlie.
On top of this craziness, My cherished laptop, LOLO2, has disappeared. After several sleepless nights, I fell asleep on the BART after class and when I got off, I was so groogy, I left it. I knew I did it as the train was pulling out of the station. I couldn't believe the I had done it. I am always so aware of lolo2's safety. It has not turned up and the BART people I have to say have been less than helpful. In fact if I was thinking of committing suicide and they were there to talk me out of it, they would have failed miserably. Why are people such assholes to you when you are at your most vulnerable? I mean there I was sobbing, I mean totally crying, I was so upset, and the guy at the BART treated me as if I was ruining his book reading time. I mean honestly, I have had that customer service job where I dealt with a lot of assholes, I know you get this us against them attitude about the whole thing, and you don't want to help them, but I would have helped me that night. Why people treat you like shit when you are at your lowest, Ill never know. Perhaps its just easier to treat someone like that.
The next morning I called their lost and found hotline where they ask you to leave in order, this laundry list of information about you and your lost stuff. Its really confusing and I am convinced that I did not get it right and they said if you don't leave the information in the right order, then you will never get your stuff back. So then I went down to the lost in found which is in Oakland. The lady there yelled at me and told me that it was too soon and to call the hotline and when I asked if I could fill out something in person, since I am sure I got the phone thing wrong, she refused. Perhaps BART hires the least sensitive people to work in customer service on purpose.
I am asking every one to send good thoughts to me about getting lolo2 back. I love her. I mean I could get a new computer, and at one point soon I have to think about that piece of it, but right now thinking about of lolo3 is hard for me.
I mean she has her issues (the computer), like sometimes she shuts off, just because, and she has this strange thing going on with the monitor where the picture is not clear, but she is my computer with issues and she has millions of photos of my friends and family which are irreplaceable, as well as a killer itunes collection. I am not going to give some BS comment about how
it wasn't until she was gone, that I realized how connected I was to my lolo2, because I knew that already, any one who is into their computer knows they would be devastated if something happened to it. I mean if you ask any one with a laptop about it, they will say it is one of their biggest fears. Whatever that says about our society, its a reality that we are intimately connected with our machines.
I guess the upside about who ever took it off the train, and did not turn it in to LOST AND FOUND, gets a computer that turns off when it wants to, and I am not sure they will know how to get it back on. They also get a digital camera which actually stopped working that day, it was old, it was going to die and an ancient IPOD ( which I am sure had about 6 months of life in it) . SO that's the upside..... But I still want my stuff back.
Now, while I have been less than impressed with BART, I have been super impressed with all the email messages, I received in support after posting an ad on the lost and found section on Craigs List. Many people gave good ideas of where I should look and how I should deal with the BART people. I am amazed at how many people this has actually happened to. As always, I am also impressed with Apple who has put an APB on the serial # so if it comes into their retailers they know its there under false pretenses. Again, that does not bring her back but at least I know that people care.
Anyway, I may not be posting as much in this transition period. But Ill be back soon.