Christmas Songs I like

Christmas Songs
In a former life, I worked as retail manager during a Christmas season or two. During that time, I became an expert on the genre. And I have to say that even though I had to listen to this music all day every day for two months, I never got sick of it. I would even be excited the next year to get out the Christmas CD's and listen to them constantly all over again.
I love Christmas Music.
Even though, I am a liberal and I am supposed to be killing Christmas with every breath I take, I do love Christmas music.
I wanted to give a run down on my favorite Christmas tunes.
10. The Barking Dog version of Jingle Bells: I love this song because it is so annoying AND it has endured since my childhood. I also love that the Barking Dog Holiday albums have become this cottage industry. I mean you can get all kinds of Pets singing Christmas songs. I am very glad that for us cat lovers there is "Jingle Cats". Honestly, I can only listen to this song once a year. But Christmas is not complete with out it.
09. Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer by Elmo and Patsy. This is a song that became famous sometime when I was in middle school. My grandmother, Gaga hated this song. I mean really hated this song. All of her younger grand children would sing it to her. I guess when I look back that was pretty annoying.
08. I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause, as song by little The Jackson Five, featuring Little Michael Jackson. Okay, this song is just creepy now. I don't know how many people saw that TV movie about the Jackson 5 Starring that actor who played Freddy "Boom Boom" Washington form Welcome Back Kotter and the wonderful Angela Bassett. I have to say that I am morbidly fascinated with that movie and when its on, I watch it, no questions asked. Any way what I learned from television is that Michael Jackson's family life was far from ideal and perhaps his mommy should have been getting a little from Santa, instead of enduring the constant abuse from the father. The song is not sweet at all, Its not cute that this little abused child is singing about how his abused mother is getting a little from an imaginary fat guy. Its just creepy. But I cant get enough of it.
07. This one is less a song and more an entire album. I Love Love Love. Christmas Caravan by one of my all time favorite bands, The Squirrel Nut Zippers. This Albums fabulous, and it features such songs as, Carolina Christmas, Winter Weather and Indian Giver. It is actually a great album from a great band that is no longer. Also if you, your self, know the Zippers well, another great Christmas song that is harder to find, is Santa Clause is Smoking Reefer.
06. Now I actually don't even know, who wrote this song, or who sang this song, but I saw Lypsinka do a performance this version of the 12 days of Christmas, only it is the 12 Drinks of Christmas. During the course of the song, the singer gets drunker and drunker, till she's on the floor and vomiting. Like I said I don't know who the actual singer of this song is. But I have to say that one of the greatest performances that I have seen in my lifetime is Lypsinka doing that song.
05. On a more serious note, I have to put this one on my list because I was obsessed and was in many ways had a lot to do with shaping my social conscience and that's Do they know its Christmas. I was 13 when it came out and obsessed with Duran Duran. They took part in the recording, so I was then obsessed with starving children in Africa. My Obsession with Duran Duran has disappeared, but the obsession with social issues has remained strong.
04. Happy Birthday Jesus, By Little Cindy. This one is on the John Waters Christmas Album and I have to say that I love it because its one of the worst songs ever written of any genre. It is so terrible, you feel like ripping out your eardrums about half way through. This is why I absolutely love it. I mean who came up with and who actually listened to this song without irony. I can only imagine, either a 6 year old girl or a Child Molester. But, how many records are six year old girls buying. Which leaves the child molesters, they are the ones that made that song pop...Well whatever it was. In case you have not heard it, it is this deady saccharine little ditty featuring this little 4 year old girl with this deep southern accent saying her prayers in this grating sing song manner. It has some great lines in it like: "she splained how bad they hurt you, those awful naughty men, but said you let them do it for girls like me would sin" and "Jesus, I'll be true, cause mama said if I was good, he would let me live with you" . That being said it is a great one to listen to while trimming the tree.
03. Blue Christmas, As sung by Elvis. I cant help it, I love this song and Elvis defiantly sounds so sexy singing it. I aloes have to say that I like the Johnny Cash version of this song as well. I have nothing else really to say about it. I have also heard a Porky Pig version of it as well which is also really good.
02. You're A Mean One, Mister Grinch. In many ways, the reason why is not in the spirit of Christmas. When I was a retail manager a this housewares store. I used to have this boss, who was a complete bitch. She made the mistake of telling us all one time that when she was in highschool, people used to call her "the Grinch" and it would hurt her feelings. When we finally all got sick of her bull shit. We would play this song on repeat over and over. Untill she would Cry. I n many ways this is the meanest thing I have ever done. But I don't feel guilty at all. Gap Tooth deserved it. Needless to say, I love How the Grinch Stole Christmas, I think its great. I should state that I love the book and the cartoon, I have no love at all for the movie, I think it should be burned.
01. White Christmas, as sung by the Drifters. Hands Down it is my favorite Christmas Song. As well as the favorite Christmas song of my family. So much so that this is the only song we listen to in the compton houshold. thank gad for the invention of the CD player, because you can put things on constant repeat. We put it on endless repeat as we trim the tree, unwrap gifts and then we often leave the house and still leave it playing. this Version is so much better than Bing Crosbys version. Its better than anything. In I think Ill go and listen to it right now.
So there you go My Top Ten Christmas songs.....
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