War On Christmas

I know in this season of giving. All of you out there are really worried about the war on Christmas. This war is being thrust upon our society by those dirty liberals (my self included) who like the grinch have hearts that are two sizes too small.
Because of this, from now untill December 25th, I am dedicating my blog to the worship of Chrismas.
TO give you guys a taste of this. Here is a letter to the editor that I really enjoyed.
"• Political correctness goes both ways
Enough is enough. We have taken one step too far. We have let a small few tell us that we can’t say “Merry Christmas” anymore; it’s “Happy Holidays” now. Bah, Humbug.
We are letting this small group of people take our rights away from us, one right at a time.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, God’s gift to the world.
I am 80 years old, and I don’t care if saying “Merry Christmas” offends someone. Replacing Merry Christmas with Happy Holidays offends me. Now we are even.
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